Yes, it is that time of year again, when a bunch of rag tag lawyers form a team, named after our beloved boss: The Zugibe All Stars. Last year was the first year we played together as a team, and we took home the Second Place Trophy. Tonight's conditions were anything but nice: misty rain, 50 degrees and a slight wind. As par for the course, we couldn't get it together to have a formal practice, so we laced up the cleats, and trotted onto the field exchanging pleasantries and catching up. Eaton pitched, Fortes/Fein caught, Kovacs on 1st, yours truly on second, Dave playing short stop, K. Zugibe on Third, Drew, Dom, Dunlop, and Lincey in the outfield. Our bats warmed up pretty quickly and we quickly loaded the bases up, but to no avail. Not a run came in. But as the innings passed, our bats heated up, our fielding got tight and we were able to not only score a bunch of runs, taking the lead, we also managed to make some nice plays. Now, last year, we were incredibly awful. Frustration, inexperience and a terrible losing streak put a damper on our spirits. It's never fun to have the "Mercy" rule applied. And Applied. And Applied. Forward to the last inning, we were winning! But then a few bobbles of the ball, and few overthrows to first and everything went to hell as they say.....We lost 14 to 15, but last year this team whipped the hell out of us, so guys, if you are reading this, I'm proud of each and every one of ya! Honorable mention to Dom, who hit the one and only home run.....and Waters, Cyn, and Michelle, you were sorely missed!
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